Du Yong-xin*,Dawa**,Qiu Cheng.Farmland Soil Nitrogen and Phosphorus Dynamic of One River and Two Streams in Tibet[J].Tibet Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2017,(04):10-14.
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
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- Title:
Farmland Soil Nitrogen and Phosphorus Dynamic of One River and Two Streams in Tibet
- 作者:
杜永欣*; 达娃**; 邱城
- Author(s):
Du Yong-xin*; Dawa**; Qiu Cheng
Institute of Agricultural Product Quality Standard and Testing,TAAAS土Lhasa, China 850032
- 关键词:
面源污染; 农田土壤; 全氮; 全磷
- Keywords:
non-point source pollution; farmland soil; T-N; T-P
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
环境问题是我国亟待解决的重大问题,农业面源污染是我国所面临的环境问题之一。一江两河流域是我区主要的粮食生产基地,由于我区一江两河流域氮、磷肥使用量在不断增加,使氮素、磷素在土壤中不断积累,同时也增加了氮、磷的流失风险。本文主要对西藏一江两河流域农业主产区拉萨市 (墨竹工卡县、达孜县、曲水县)、山南市(贡嘎县、才囊县、乃东区)、日喀则市(江孜县、白朗县、桑珠孜区)农区农田土壤进行样品采集,分别采用了凯氏蒸饱法和知铮比色法测定了全氮、全磷的含量。并通过实验数据进行分析和讨论,分析 2015年与 2016年土壤氮素、磷素动态变化,从而判断一江两河流域农业面源污染的风险性。
- Abstract:
Environmental problems, such as agricultural non-point source pollution is one of the environmental problems facing inour country. One River and Two Streams Basin in Tibet is the major area of agricultural production土 with the increasing of N土 Pfertilizer usage土 the accumulation of N and P in the soil may lead to the dangrous loss of N and P. The farmland soil samples inTibet like agriculture producing Lhasa (Maizhokunggar土 Dazi and Qushui)土 Shannan (Gonggar土Zhanang土 Naidong )土 and Xigaze(Jiangzi土 Bainang土 Sangzhuzi Rigion) were collect土 and T-N and T-P were determinated by distillation and molybdenum antimony colorimetric method. The experimental data of N and P was analyzed,and to discuss linear correlation of dynamic changes of soilN and P in 2015 and 2016土 therefore土 the cause of agricultural non-point source pollution was to be judged.
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- 备注/Memo:
*作者简介:杜永欣(1990-),男,硕士,研究实习员。主要从事农业土壤环境研究。 Email:dyx291176075@163.com
**通讯作者:达娃(1964-),男,研究员。主要从事农业土壤环境研究。 Tel:13989082751
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