Zhang Shan-shan*.Sequencing and Analysis of the Transcriptome of Flower bud of Paeonia lutea[J].Tibet Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2017,(04):22-28.
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Sequencing and Analysis of the Transcriptome of Flower bud of Paeonia lutea
- 作者:
- Author(s):
Zhang Shan-shan*
Institute of Vegetables Research,TAAAS,Lhasa, China 850032
- 关键词:
西藏黄牡丹; 转录组; 高通量测序; 差异表达基因
- Keywords:
Paeonia lutea; Transcriptome; High-throughput sequencing; Different express Genes (DGEs)
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
采用 Illumina Hiseq2000高通量测序技术对西藏黄牡丹投粉前后花蕾转录组i序,运用生物信息学分析基因表达谱研究和差异表达基因功能预测,以期了解西藏黄牡丹投粉前后花蕾生长发育分子机理,并为西藏黄牡丹的基因水平研究奠定基础。结果表明:对过滤得到的高质量序列进行拼装投粉前 (A2-1)和投粉后 (A3-1)平均得到了 45453条和 53742条 unigenes,GC含量分别为 41.64%和 41.98%,Unigenes的平均长度为 822bp和 722bp。两个样品之间差异表达的上调基因有 11321个,差异表达的下调基因有 5585个。其中 13288个差异表达基因 (DGEs)分别注释到 GO数据库,分别涉及到细胞组成成份(cellular component),生物学过程(biological process)和分子功能(molecular function)三大功能。 KEGG数据库成功注释 9842个 DEGs,占总 DEGs的 58.22%。共涉及 Cellular Processes(细胞过程)、Environmental Information Processing(环境信息处理)、Genetic Information Processing (遗传信息处理)、Human Diseases (人类疾病)、Metabolism (代谢)、Organismal Systems (生物系统)等 6个大的功能类别。本研究首次对西藏黄牡丹转录组进行了分析,为黄牡丹的分子生物学研究提供了宝贵的基因组数据来源。
- Abstract:
The transcriptome of Paeonia lutea was sequenced by Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform that is a new generation of high-throughput sequencing technology to study the expression profiling and predict the functional genes. Through filtering, splicing,assembling and going redundancy, 45453 unigenes and 53742 unigenes were obtained for before pollination (A2-1) and afterpollination (A3-1), with an average length of 822bp and 722bp, and a GC percentage of 41.64% and 41.98%. A total of 16906unigenes were identified as DEGS between A2-1 and A3-1, with 11321 up-regulated and 5585 down-regulated. We assigned 13288 of the 16906 DEGs to three ma or GO categories(cellular component,biological process,molecular function). To furtheranalyzed the biological functions of annotated DEGs by mapping the DEGs to six main categories in the KEGG database, 9842 DEGs were assigned to six main categories including CellularProcesses, Environmental InformationProcessing, GeneticInformation Processing, Human Diseases, Metabolism, Organismal Systems. This is the first time to study the gene associated inPaeonia lutea, and these data will provide a novel insight into the expressed genes and valuable theoretical basis to understand the molecular mechanisms.
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- 备注/Memo:
*作者简介:张姗姗(1983-),女,肋理研究员。主要从事果树育种和示范推广工作。 Email:335877593@QQ.com
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